Berenice I


Berenice I1, probably daughter of Magas2 and certainly daughter of Antigone, cousin of Eurydice3, born c. 3404, first married Philip5, by whom she had at least two children6, Magas7 and Antigone8, and probably a third, Theoxena9. After the death of Philip she went to Egypt in the entourage of Eurydice10, and began a liaison or marriage with Ptolemy I c. 317-31411, by whom she had three more children, Ptolemy II12, Arsinoe II13 and Philotera14. She was victor in the chariot races in the Olympic Games of an unknown Olympiad14.1. Her date of death is unknown, possibly between spring 279 and spring 274, but certainly before 26815. She was incorporated in the dynastic cult with Ptolemy I by Ptolemy IV in 215/4 as the Saviour Gods, Qeoi SwthreV16.

  • SIG3 1.390 applies to the first occurrence of the isolympic Ptolemaieia, not to any subsequent reform

  • The earliest possible date for this Ptolemaieia is Daisios year 8 (Mac.) of Ptolemy II = c. June 278
  • The first isolympic Ptolemaieia most likely occurred in the 270s

  • Update Notes:

    8-9 Feb 2002: Added individual trees
    17 Feb 2002: Split out into separate entry
    12 April 2002: Noted that Berenice I had more than one daughter by Philip but only Antigone is certainly known.
    18 May 2003: Changed Plutarch Xrefs to the Lacus Curtius edition
    24 Feb 2004: Added Xref to online Strabo
    27 Nov 2004: Added Posidippos epigram mentioning her Olympic victory.
    11 Mar 2005: Added Greek transcription
    26 June 2007: Add discussion of possible bounds on her death date set by Ptolemaieia data
    3 June 2007: Tweak discussion of date of first Ptolemaieia to take note of Habicht's arguments in CA 11 and Dreyer's response
    17 Nov 2010: Fix broken Peseus & DDBDP links
    9 Jan 2011: Note that Berenice came from Eordeaea, like Ptolemy I

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