Difficulty of translating Rabbinic works: Among the published translations, Neuser aims for an accurate translation which attempts to accurately portray the text. All other translators tend to concentrate on a more flowing text. Neusner's translations are therefore a better aid for following the Hebrew text. Mishnah
trans by Herbert Danby [new & used] Mishnah
trans. by Jacob Neusner [new & used] Mishnah
trans. by Philip Blackman [used only] Artscroll
Mishnah dedicated to Yad Avraham [new & used] |
trans. by Jacob Neusner [new] Soncino
Babylonian Talmud & Mishnah [software] Babylonian
Talmud trans by Jacob Neusner [new & used] Babylonian
Talumd - Schottenstein ed. [new] Jerusalem
Talmud trans. by Jacob Neusner [new & used] Jerusalem
Talmud - Schottenstein ed [new (incomplete)] Jerusalem
Talmud trans. by Heinrich Guggenheimer [new (incomplete)]