Questions & Replies about

Divorce and Remarriage
by David Instone-Brewer

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I read and reply to all emails though sometimes the reply is very brief, due to pressure of time. I like to get questions - especially if they are new. Many people ask questions which are already covered in these Questionas & Replies. Please take a moment to look at previous emails before you write.

Pastoral support doesn't really work by email, so if you need this, I'd encourage you to find a local fellow Christian or minister. Their personal views on this subject don't matter too much if they are good at listening, both to you and to God.

David Instone-Brewer

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Emailed question/comment:

Before I go out and buy your book, I was wondering if you could please explain to me what view you hold to.  Is it the view that upholds to the Westminster Confession?  That is, remarriage is allowed even when the spouse still remains alive. Or is it the view that believes that all remarriage is an act of adultery? Of course, not including remarriage after an unlawfully/in-sensuous marriage. 
That is, if a husband or wife divorces their spouse and remarries another while he or she is still alive, this would constitutes the act of adultery.  This is the teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ.  I would also agree that, in the act of obedience to Christ and His word one must leave that on-going adulterous relationship.


There is a quick summary, as well as the full text of my pastoral book at
If you are looking for something which simply repeats what the church has always taught, you will be disappointed. I am attempting to read the NT through the eyes of people living in NT times – ie people who spoke every day using the same phrases which Jesus used and which we sometimes find confusing. The message of Jesus is surprisingly easy to understand when you read it this way.

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