Questions & Replies about

Divorce and Remarriage
by David Instone-Brewer

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I read and reply to all emails though sometimes the reply is very brief, due to pressure of time. I like to get questions - especially if they are new. Many people ask questions which are already covered in these Questionas & Replies. Please take a moment to look at previous emails before you write.

Pastoral support doesn't really work by email, so if you need this, I'd encourage you to find a local fellow Christian or minister. Their personal views on this subject don't matter too much if they are good at listening, both to you and to God.

David Instone-Brewer

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Emailed question/comment:

Is the word 'douloo' (the word used in 1 Cor. 7:15 = 'under bondage') ever used in the literature of the day in reference to the marriage bond, or to indicate freedom from the marriage bond? I hold the same view that you do, namely that this verse does grant freedom to remarry. But one gentleman who is giving me feedback at present, who does not believe this, has said that he might be convinced this verse does give freedom to remarry if it could be shown that dedoulotai is used in reference to the marriage bond in other literature of the time.


He is right - douloo is a very strange word to use in this context, because it implies bondage to slavery, just as eleutheros means 'freedom from slavery' (used in a marriage context in 1Cor.7.39; Rom.7.3). The reason is, I think, that Paul is alluding to the context of Ex.21.10f. See the end of my paper at

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