Divorce & Remarriage in the 1st & 21st Century © Rev Dr David Instone-Brewer (Grove Books, 2001) Purchase
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The New Testament teaching on divorce and remarriage appears to be impractical and unfair at first sight. The 'plain' meaning of the texts seems to allow divorce only for adultery or for desertion by an unbeliever, and does not allow remarriage until the death of one's former spouse. This means that someone suffering abuse cannot get divorced, and someone who is divorced from an adulterous partner cannot remarry unless that partner dies.
There are many different ways of understanding the text, whereby divorce is allowed for a wider range of grounds, which include physical and emotional abuse. These do not always take the text and the historical context seriously. By contrast, a few interpreters have argued that a believer is never allowed to divorce.
New insights into the Jewish and Graeco-Roman world of the 1st century now enable us to understand how the original recipients understood this New Testament teaching, and suggest the following conclusions:
Ch.1 How the Church Interpreted the Divorce Texts
Ch.2 How 1st Century Jews Would Have Understood Jesus
Other Grounds for Divorce in 1st Century Judaism
Jesus' Silence on other Grounds for Divorce
Ch.3 How 1st Century Converts Would Have Understood Paul
1st Century Graeco-Roman Culture
No remarriage till death occurs?
Ch.4 Summary Of the 1st Century Interpretation
Ch.5 Applying the 1st Century to the 21st Century Church
Should the church allow remarriage of 'innocent' divorcees after divorce on a biblical ground?
Should the church allow remarriage of 'guilty' divorcees and those who used 'no-fault' divorces?
Index: A B C D E F G H I-K L M N O P Q-R S T U-Z