<m.Berakhot 9.1>  

[Not in Babylonian Talmud]

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<m.Terumoth 9.1>  

He who plants Terumah, if unwittingly, may uproot it; if of set purpose, he must allow it to remain. If it had already grown a third of its full size, whether he had planted it unwittingly or intentionally, he must allow it to remain; but in the case of flax, even when planted intentionally he must uproot it.

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<m.Erubin 9.1>  

All the roofs of a town constitute a single domain, provided no roof is ten handbreadths higher or lower than the neighbouring roof; so R. Meir [T4]. The Sages, however, ruled: each one is a separate domain. R. Simeon [T4] ruled: roofs, courtyards and karpafs are equally regarded as one domain in respect of carrying from one into the other objects that were kept within them when the Sabbath began, but not in respect of objects that were in the house when the Sabbath began.

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