<m.Kerithoth 6.3>  

R. Eliezer [T2 or T5] says: a man may freely offer a suspensive guilt-offering on any day and at any time he pleases. Such a sacrifice was known as the guilt-offering of the Pious. It is said of Baba b. Buta [BCE1] that he used to freely offer a suspensive guilt-offering every day, except on the day following the Day of Atonement. He declared: By this temple! Had they allowed me, I would have offered one even then, but they said unto me, wait until you have come to a state of doubt. The Sages, on the other hand, hold that one may not bring a suspensive guilt-offering except for a [particular] sin. The wilful transgression of which is subject to Kareth and the inadvertent transgression of which is subject to a sin-offering.

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