JBK - 1962
Jerusalem Bible (Koren)

The English translation of this Bible was revised andedited by Harold Fisch. It is a thoroughly corrected, modernized, and revisedversion of the Anglo-Jewish Bibles that have been accepted for home andsynagogue throughout the English-speaking world. The Jewish Family Bibleof M. Friedlander, published in 1881, was the basis for this edition. Thatversion was faithful to the Masora, or received Hebrew text. Italso retained as much Jewish sentiment as permitted of the unsurpassedlanguage and rhythm of the "Authorized Version"of 1611. Also, a comparison was made with the nineteenth century Jewish Bibleof Isaac Lesser and with other later translations.

The language of the old versions has been modernized whereancient linguistic and grammatical forms would be difficult for the present-dayreader. Many points of detail have been corrected in light of modern scholarship.

A primary aim of the translators has been to offer a renderingof the English Bible which would match the spirit and outer appearanceof the Hebrew test printed opposite it. This text, the "Koren Bible,"is unique among Hebrew printed Bibles in rejecting Greek titles, Latinnumerals, and chapter divisions based on non-Jewish authority. The Englishtext is divided up according to the traditional system of petuhot (openline divisions) and setumot (closed spaces) as found in ancientHebrew manuscripts. This Koren Tanakh is in English on the left-hand pagesand Hebrew on the right-hand pages.

Koren Publishers (5722 [1962])

[Tyndale House, Cambridge, UnitedKingdom]

Genesis1: 1, 2

In the beginning GOD created the heaven and the earth.And the earth was without form and void; and darkness was on the face ofthe deep. And a wind from GOD moved over the surface of the waters.

Comparisons which include this version: