Questions & Replies about

Divorce and Remarriage
by David Instone-Brewer

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I read and reply to all emails though sometimes the reply is very brief, due to pressure of time. I like to get questions - especially if they are new. Many people ask questions which are already covered in these Questionas & Replies. Please take a moment to look at previous emails before you write.

Pastoral support doesn't really work by email, so if you need this, I'd encourage you to find a local fellow Christian or minister. Their personal views on this subject don't matter too much if they are good at listening, both to you and to God.

David Instone-Brewer

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Emailed question/comment:

Jesus never mentions remarriage. You say that Mark left out part of Jesus' teaching. Did Luke, who was known for his completeness also cut short the teaching of Jesus. And did Paul also leave out Jesus' teachings in Romans and in I Cor. ?


True, but Jesus never mentions monotheism and doesn't condemn sex outside marriage. Every living Jew believed there was only one God, that sex was limited to marriage, and that remarriage was allowed after a valid divorce. Jesus believed that the 'Any Matter' divorces of the Hillelilites (which had become so popular it was virtually the only kind of divorce) was invalid, and if anyone remarried after an invalid divorce they were, of course, committing adultery.

Luke left out lots of things which are in Mark. Paul left out almost everything in the Gospels. In the area of divorce, Paul doesn't mention anything about porneia. And everyone abbreviated what Jesus said. As John says, there wasn't enough papyrus in the world to record his words verbatim.

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