Are you arguing, that Jesus did not overturn Deut 24:1 but
merely interpreted the ervath davar in Shammaite fashion (the
exception clause in Matthew being a clear allusion to the grounds
for divorce given in Deut 24:1)? If so, then Jesus did not use the
creation texts to overrule Moses, but merely used them to invalidate
an improper "for any reason" interpretation of Deut 24:1.
If I understand you correctly (and I'm not sure that I do),
then this reading is problematic, it seems to me, even for Matt 19.
Even Matthew's version--Mark's version is, of course, more
emphatic--infers that Jesus is revoking a permission to divorce
given by "Moses": "Moses allowed you to divorce your wives, but from
the beginning it was not so." So if Jesus understood Deut 24:1 as
permitting divorce only on the grounds of adultery (a la the
Shammaites) and Jesus viewed the creation texts as overruling this
Mosaic permission, then Jesus could not have permitted divorce on
the grounds of adultery. But Matthew clearly does permit it on the
grounds of adultery in his exception clause.
Therefore Jesus (in Matthew's view) could not have subscribed
to the Shammaite interpretation of Deut 24:1 but must have
subscribed to the Hillelite interpretation: Moses did not command
you to divorce for any reason but allowed you to divorce for any
reason. The Hillelite interpretation of Deut 24:1 is correct; the
Shammaite interpretation is wrong. Nevertheless, says Jesus in
Matthew 19, the creation texts, "from the beginning," overrules this
Mosaic permission--except (Matthew says) in cases of adultery. So
Jesus (in Matthew's version) ends up with a position similar to that
of the Shammaites but gets there not by strictly interpreting Deut
24:1 but rather by overruling Deut 24:1 through an appeal to
creation texts.
This view too has its problems since the exception clause in
Matt 5:32 clearly reproduces in Greek the Shammaite understanding of
ervath davar as davar ervath. Clearly Matthew is thinking of the
grounds for divorce given in Deut 24:1. And yet he appears to be
saying that Moses in Deut 24:1 did not restrict the meaning of
ervath davar to sexual immorality (adultery). |
Hmm - I think I understand what you are saying. You appear to be
saying that Matthew 19 records Jesus alluding to Shammai to show
that Hillel is wrong and then, by his own special reasoning, Jesus
comes to a conclusion which kind of agrees with Hillel; but Mt.5
still alludes to Shammai as though Jesus is agreeing with him. The
special reasoning of Jesus (as I understand you) depends on the
phrase "Moses allowed you to divorce your wives, but from the
beginning it was not so" which was Jesus' response to their question
"Why did Moses command one to give a certificate of divorce?" Jesus'
answer meant (according to your reading) "Moses did not commanded
divorce for 'Any Cause', but only allowed it, and anyway, the
creation narrative overrules Moses permission".
This is a clever point, but I have difficulty with it - partly
because Mt.19 & Mt.5 appear to disagree with each other (though
this might be cleared up) and mainly because this leaves Matthew
responsible for adding "except for porneia", and we are back with
Mark's question as the original, ie "Is it lawful to divorce your
My problem with Mark's question is that it is meaningless -
divorce is in the law, so of course it is lawful. I agree that
Mark's version was probably the original question, but my contention
is that any 1st C reader would have expanded it into Matthew's
version by adding "... for 'Any Cause'". Any modern reader would do
the same thing with the equally meaningless question, "Is it lawful
for a 16-year old to drink?" - only a pedant or a lawyer paid by the
word would bother to add "... alcoholic beverages".
Your point relies on a phrase which I haven't dealt with in my
book - "but from the beginning it was not so" (Mt.19.8). My
understanding of this depends on two considerations. First the "but"
is DE not ALLA, so I would not expect to read this as a negation or
contradiction or replacement of the phrase which precedes it, but as
a comment or (at the most) a contrast with it. Second, the concept
which it contrasts with is hardheartedness, as suggested by the word
order: "Moses, because of your hardheartedness, allowed you to
divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so."
Before I say anything about hardheartedness, I'll agree with your
emphasis on the contrast between "command" and "allow" - this is a
normal rabbinic pair of distinctions. See, eg, t.Shab.13.13b (Z.
14.12): "One should not cast off on the Great Sea less than three
days before the Sabbath. To what do these words apply? When he goes
down [to the sea] on a permitted matter. But when he goes down on a
commanded matter, even if it is the Sabbath Eve, he is permitted."
We do not know the date of the latter part of this tradition, though
the beginning is a saying by Shammai (according to Sifré Deut.203).
In m.Shebu.3.6 the 'compulsory' laws are defined as those which come
from Mt. Sinai (i.e. the Written and Oral Torah of Moses) and the
'optional' ones are those which do not (i.e. the rulings of the
This implies that the Pharisees wanted to say that divorcing your
wife in Dt.24.1 was a command of Moses, and not an innovation of the
Pharisees. What were they talking about? They could not have meant
that it was compulsory to divorce your wife for 'Any Cause' -
otherwise it would be compulsory to divorce her after the first
spoilt meal or first wrinkle. But they did, around this time, start
to teach that it was compulsory to divorce your wife for adultery.
As I say in my book (p.96) it was not universally compulsory before
70CE, but (what I didn't say in my book) it became universally
compulsory soon after - cf b.Hag.9b where Judah b. Lakish [T2, just
after 70CE] assumes that a cuckolded husband is forbidden to his
wife. In other words, most Pharisees already believed that divorcing
an adulterous wife was compulsory, but they could not enforce this
before 70CE. (It is also possible that the Pharisees meant that it
was compulsory to divorce a wife who is not submissive in all things
-cf Ben Sira- but this is less likely.)
Jesus had just said that "yhose whom God has joined, no man
SHOULD separate" (Mt.19.6) so they were replying: 'No, this can't be
correct, because Moses gives us a situation when one SHOULD
separate, indeed MUST separate because it is a command from Moses'.
Jesus replied: 'No, Moses only ALLOWED you to divorce'. It is
difficult to know whether Jesus is merely saying, 'Moses made the
divorce optional, not compulsory' or whether he is also saying 'you
have made a rabbinic rule out of the words of Moses' (based on the
rabbinic understanding of the contrast between 'command' and
'allow'). Probably this latter nuance is reading too much into the
text, but Jesus might have been making a extra side-swipe which the
Pharisees alone would understand. THe main meaning is, however, that
Moses ALLOWED divorce in the circumstance where the Pharisees taught
that Moses COMMANDED it - ie when the wife committed adultery.
Now we can see why Jesus added the word "hardheartedness" at this
point. As I pointed out in my book (p.141ff) this would have been
recognised as an allusion to Jer.4.4 - the only place where this LXX
word (it is created for the LXX, and does not occur in normal Greek)
occurs in the context of divorce. This is, of course, where Israel
is finally divorced for her hardheartedness after repeated adultery
following repeated pleas and warnings by God. God allowed Israel
lots of chances to repent, and did not divorce her immediately, as
rabbinic law COMMANDED, and only when there was no way forward he
took the route which was ALLOWED to men, to divorce her for
adultery. My guess is that Jesus expounded this point, but Mark (or
the creator of his oral text) had the hard job of abbreviating this
into a couple of words. By the way, you will have noticed that Mark
gets "command" and permit" mixed up (Mk.10.3) and Mt had to untangle
it - successfully, I think.
So when Jesus says (in Mt) "but from the beginning it was not
so", it is a wistful reminder that God did not want any divorce any
more than he wanted any sin, but both are a painful reality. I can't
see that Jesus is trying to reverse the law of Moses by an appeal to
the creation order, especially after alluding to the divorce of God
in the Prophets.
Anyway, that is the way I read the text, and I'm sorry that I
didn't deal with it in the book. |