<m.Taanith 4.3>  

The men of the [Israelite] Ma`amad fasted on four days of that week, from Monday to Thursday; they did not fast on Friday out of respect for the Sabbath nor on Sunday in order not to change over [without a break] from the rest and delight [of the Sabbath] to weariness and fasting and so [perhaps] die.
On Sunday [they read], in the beginning, and, let there be a firmament; on Monday, let there be a firmament, and, let the waters be gathered together; on Tuesday, let the waters be gathered together, and, let there be lights; on Wednesday, let there be lights, and, let the waters swarm; on Thursday, let the waters swarm, and, let the earth bring forth; on Friday, let the earth bring forth, and, and the heavens [and the earth] were finished.
Two persons read between them a long section and one a short section. At shaharith, Musaf, and Minhah they assembled and read [the requisite] section by heart, in the same way as people recite the Shema. they did not assemble at Minhah on Friday out of respect for the Sabbath.

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