<m.Shebuoth 4.13>  

[If he said.] `I adjure you`; `I command you`; `I bind you`; they are liable. `By Heaven and earth!` they are exempt. `By Alef Daleth`; `By yod He`; `By Shaddai`; `By Zebaoth`; `By the merciful and gracious one`; `By the long suffering one`; `By the one Abounding in kindness`; or by any of the substitutes [for the name]: they are liable. He who blasphemes by any of them is liable: this is the opinion of R. Meir [T4]; but the Sages exempt him. He who curses his father or mother by any of them is liable; this is the opinion of R. Meir [T4]; but the Sages exempt him. He who curses himself or his neighbour by any of them transgresses a negative precept. [If he said,] `The Lord smite you`; or `God smite you`; these are the curses written in the Torah. `may [The Lord] not smite you`; or `may he bless you`; or `may he do good unto you [if you bear testimony for me]`: R. Meir [T4] makes [them] liable, but the Sages exempt [them].

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